1:87 戰地模型情景說明
越戰時,美軍對空炮坦克陣地,以雙管 30mm 高射速炮坦克強大火力,用上平射式攻擊北越軍。
1:87 Battlefield model scenario description
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army used double-barreled 30mm high-rate gun tanks to attack the North Vietnamese Army with a flat-fire type.
1:87 戰地模型情景說明
越戰時,美軍對空炮坦克陣地,以雙管 30mm 高射速炮坦克強大火力,用上平射式攻擊北越軍。
1:87 Battlefield model scenario description
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army used double-barreled 30mm high-rate gun tanks to attack the North Vietnamese Army with a flat-fire type.
1:87 模型說明 蘇聯的 BTR50PK 裝甲運兵車, 經過大量修正。 1:87 Model description The Soviet Union’s BTR50PK armored personnel carrier has undergone extensive...